
Trant is seeking to deliver a green and sustainable scheme on site. The plan left shows the proposed layout, which is duplicated in large scale on the next board.

  • The proposed area of solar panels will cover 33 acres (13.5ha).

  • Trant are proposing to install a small solar scheme to the rear of the site with a generation capacity of approximately 5 megawatts (MW), which will create enough electricity to power about 1,000 homes. This will include about 12,000 solar panels.

  • The plans will include 50% bio-diversity net gain, which means there will be an improvement in bio-diversity on the site of 50% compared to what's there currently.

  • Trant are also proposing to improve the frontage of the site which currently looks untidy and run down.

  • Trant are happy to work with local residents to see improvements to the surface of Fletchwood Lane, if residents would like to see the quality of the lane improved.

  • Whilst the current livestock grazing land will be restricted, alternative land can be made available nearby which is within the National Park and of better quality for grazing.