Biodiversity Improvements
As the site sits within the New Forest National Park, it is important that the solar proposals are carefully designed to fit into this sensitive landscape.
Trant have undertaken a vast number of environmental, landscaping, highways, ecological and technical surveys to ensure that the best possible scheme is prepared.
A number of reports will be submitted with the planning application, which will be publicly accessible. These reports will outline details on the proposals and any mitigation required. This will include a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan and a Restoration Plan, for how the site will be managed and returned to its current state after the panels have been removed.
As we explained previously much of the land is poor quality, there is a lot of clay which means the site doesn't drain well and parts of the site flood especially during winter months.
Much of the site is classified as agricultural land grade of 3b, which is at the lower end of agricultural land quality.
The plans will include a 50% bio-diversity net gain, which means there will be an improvement in bio-diversity on thesite of 50% compared to what is there currently.
The proposals for the site will delivery a 50% bio-diversity net gain, as the plan left indicates, the following environmental, landscaping and ecological improvements will be included in the proposals:-
Extensive native hedge and tree planting and strengthening across the site, to improve the biodiversity, screening and compensate for Ash Dieback on site.
New wildflower meadow
New bat and bird boxes across the site in retained trees.
Proposed wet grassland and mixed scrub.
Log piles and bug hotels.
10 proposed bee hives.
New mixed deciduous woodland.
New pond and nature space.